International Journal of All Multidisciplinary Research Studies
2022, Vol. 1, Issue 1
Domestic Violence Against Women: A Perceptual Discussion
Author(s): Dr. Saher Hussain
Abstract: Women have an important place not only in the creation of man, but also in the formation of society. Women and men together make up a family. A community is formed from many families and a society is made up of many communities. If we look at the world history, then we come to know that the first credit for laying the foundation of culture is given to women. Just as the work and place of men and women are different in the family, similarly there are differences in the work and place of men and women in the society too. If given the status, in a society they get very few rights as compared to men. The study of the social status and problems of Indian women is a very complex subject in itself.
Pages: 11-15 | Views: 871 | Downloads: 489
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How to cite this article:
Dr. Saher Hussain. Domestic Violence Against Women: A Perceptual Discussion. Int. J. Al. Multidis. Res. Stu. 2022;1(1):11-15.